Mounting challenges form an extensive part of a fleet manager’s daily chores. It is hard to fathom what level of multitasking does a fleet manager’s role require. They solve more problems every day than most people solve in their entire lifetime. Solving problems with innovative solutions are what they are supposed to do, not some redundant tasks that are slow and boring and can easily be automated with a software-based solution.

With modern vehicle tracking systems, diagnostics systems, advent of 4th generation mobile networks, a mobile-first cloud-based solution is the solution to their most of the problems. The valuable insights that fleet management solutions return on the integrated analytics software delivers help fleet managers understand their fleet better and return
The technology is getting better; it’s evolving at a faster rate than ever in the history.
Yet many fleet companies are still holding to spreadsheets, even pen & paper to manage their fleet which is alarming considering how competitive the market space is. Turning head from technology comes at a price. We know countless firms that failed because of this ‘frog in a well’ strategy.
You don’t have to make the same mistake. It’s high time you must switch from a traditional paper n’ pen based business to a fleet management solution. If you don’t, your competitors will and you’ll fight from relevance then survival.
These are 5 issues that fleet managers can solve themselves with a fleet management solution.
1. Catching slackers

Drivers need break if you want them to perform at their best. Conversely, unscheduled, long breaktimes can affect your timetable and result in discontent customers. But you can’t just go on to blame every driver for slacking unless you have data to back your claim that no driver can ignore. It could be a genuine issue rather than sheer slacking.
Nevertheless, a fleet management system gives you enough data to say for sure.
2. Rowdy Drivers
You might be well acquainted with the driving behavior of a person operating under your fleet of vehicles. However, how a person behaves in front of you than while on the road are two different things.

You won’t know unless you introduce a fleet management system across the board in your every vehicle. That is the only way you learn which driver is respecting the general standards you set, as well as who is a responsible driver. If you monitor them with a fleet management system you can assess and reward your drivers or determine if they require supplementary training.
3. High Maintenance

A horde of issues can cause abrasion, from hostile driving to an incompetent maintenance system. Fleet management systems aid you to find the root cause, allowing you to remedy the problem.
4. Crisis Management

Everything from a key accident on a freeway to an unforeseen extreme weather event: a disaster can put both your drivers and your vehicles at risk. With a vehicle tracking system, you can with no trouble watch all your vehicles. Which means, you can detect if they are heading into a possibly unsafe condition, and evade it, you can also apply whatever resources are available to overcome or work-around any occurrences or glitches.
Read More: Role of GPS tracking in Taxi Business
5. Customers’ Happiness
When customers are discontent, it is perhaps just the beginning: typically, this designates the existence of other issues in your business or in your fleet, such as late deliveries, corrupt service and so on. With telematics, you will be able to diagnose such problems quickly and nip them in the bud. Also, you can empower your customers with mobile application with which they can track their consignment in real-time and also learn about any delays in advance.

In case, the customer has promised somebody of the delivery, which may affect the customer’s relationship and the reputation in the market. At the end of the day, a fleet business, private hire or transportation, runs on trust and if the market loses their trust, this is going to be a fatal blow for the company. They will have hard time getting new orders. Customers may also go online and write bad reviews about their experience.
Nevertheless, a modern fleet management system is the remedy to every issue that fleet managers are known to suffer from. The best part is technology is getting better so are these solutions.