Category - Ride Hailing


Though you own the taxi business, you are not the owner of your business - your customers are. In the world of online taxi booking, it’s important to remember that your competitor (Uber or Lyft) is…


Being a ride-hailing service provider, you know what comes to your customers' mouths first when they think of booking a ride – Uber. Uber has become popular not because of the service but because of…


If you are a taxi fleet owner and providing ride-hailing services across your city or nationwide, then this blog is for you. You know, ride-hailing has become a massive industry. Services like Uber,…


In the past decade, ride-hailing has emerged into the spotlight with significant growth in on-demand transport services. Ride-hailing service allows passengers to call a taxi using ride-hailing system…


The competition in the ride-hailing industry has been one of the highlights of this decade. The competition which started from Uber and Lyft has now notched-up due to the entry of many new players…


Taxi business has thrived especially after the advent of Uber, Lyft, other ride-hailing services in the various parts of the part. These app-based services have totally changed the way we commute in…


“Oh! I am getting late. I have to look down the lanes to find a taxi ASAP!” Said, nobody, ever after Uber revolutionized the traditional taxi services. The overall idea of taxi services was noble…


The ride-hailing industry has grown tremendously over the last 10 years. The entry of app-based ride-hailing giants has literally changed the rules of the game. Names like Uber and Lyft have heavily…


The region of North Africa consists of countries like Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia. In the past few years, this region has witnessed many disruptions in the ride-hailing industry…