Category - Grocery


Thеrе's an old provеrb that says, "Tеchnology is bеst whеn it brings pеoplе togеthеr. " This rings truе now morе than еvеr whеn wе look at innovations connеcting grocеry storеs and customеrs…


"The only thing that is constant is change." - Heraclitus E-commerce has seen tremendous change and innovation over the past decade. One of the most revolutionary technologies enabling this…


Over the years, grocery shopping has changed. Not just a mere change but a significant difference as more and more customers are tilting toward online shopping. This online experience has opened new…


The E-commerce business has shown ample growth in the past decade and the pandemic has bought huge impacts on altering consumers’ behaviors. The ability to purchase all required items with a single…


Coronavirus pandemic has turned out to be a global economic disaster as it has stopped the moments on roads and business activities across the globe. Because of this, customers are not able to fulfil…


COVID-19 pandemic is changing all our lives. This health catastrophe that has inflicted unimaginable destruction by causing the death of millions has also turned out to be a global economic disaster…

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